I have to say I really got a chuckle out of that and the stand for Graziano. This reminds me of growing up in south philly and you end up in a fight with some kid and he would be running his mouth saying shit like, "You know who I am?" "You know who my Uncle is" "You know where I am from". Do a youtube search for 5th and washington...so funny...it kind of reminded me of that.
Well said. It was a very childish reaction.
She looks like the Italian Joan Rivers. Her face is going to fall off in about 5 years. Didn't I hear her father disowned her basically anyway for doing this show.
Yeah her father doesn't want anything to do with her. And with a daughter like that, who can blame him

. As far as her face goes, I agree she looks beat up, a little fucked up, but she seems to have a sweet backside. Juicy.