Originally Posted By: IvyLeague
Originally Posted By: Sonny_Black

Amen. But this really is a moral issue.

Besides, was he his only son?

Well of course it's a moral issue. My point is, there are people on these forums that don't seem to have any moral qualms about how these guys live their lives....until now. Suddenly, they're highly outraged.
thats a great way to put it. we are all here for a reason. because we think these guys are interesting. because we want to be like them. because we enjoy law. because we enjoy history. and so on and so fourth. but the bottom line is we talk about all these guys and their crime families and there this and there that but they are all murders, extortionsit, drug dealers, loan sharks, and what not. we have no problem being interested in these people for whatever reason but down to brass tax these are horriable horriable criminals. don't be suprized or shocked or offended when shit like this goes down. its always been that the mafia becomes before your family. anyone who watched the sopranos should know that. quiet dom just put the mafia before his family because his family was screwing up bottom line.

I hate Dicknoses!!!!!!