Top 5 Results

60 million votes, highest of the season

Steven Tyler has a new book: Does the Noise in My Head Bother You?: A Rock 'n' Roll Memoir

Top 5 sing "Happy Together" with sucky harmonies (D)

Ford Music Video "Be Yourself" (neat)

Idols on HELL'S KITCHEN making omelets! Haley's was "pitchy", and pitched into the trash; Jacob made a "plate of vomit", James' was "hard as a Rock"; Lauren's was "quite nice, well done"; Scotty was asked "what is that?" and Gordon spit it out. Lauren won, Jacob second. More to come....

Lady Antebellum performed "Just A Kiss"

Video of contestants re: Song Choice & Wardrobe

James... stage right
Lauren... stage left

Back to HELL'S KITCHEN for blind taste challenge with Lauren and Jacob. Jacob got beef correct, Lauren didn't. Lauren got tofu, Jacob didn't, spitting it out. Lauren got the hot dog, Jacob didn't (calling it sausage). Lauren wins.

J-Lo performs (lip-synchs) "On The Floor", then we see a teaser of her new video, "I'm Into You"

Jacob... stage left
Haley... stage right

Scotty is safe. Ryan asked him which other two he thought was safe, but Scotty wouldn't budge. Ryan drags him to Stage Right.

James, Haley, Scotty are safe.
Jacob & Lauren in Bottom 2.

Leaving is... Jacob, who sings "A House Is Not a Home" (much worse than Glee's Kurt), ...and didn't cry. wink

I studied Italian for 2 semesters. Not once was a "C" pronounced as a "G", and never was a trailing "I" ignored! And I'm from Jersey! tongue lol

Whaddaya want me to do? Whack a guy? Off a guy? Whack off a guy? --Peter Griffin

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