I personally find Donnie Brasco to be the most realistic film about the mafia.

To be honest, I think John Travolta could look like John Gotti. Probably more than Assante. They have the same type of face.

Problem is I think Travolta is just a little bit too old. Especially if they going to portray Gotti in his 30s.

However, the film could be about the years when Gotti was the boss and when his son gets involved. John Gotti was in his mid 40s when he became the boss. Travolta is now about 57 so he could pull it off.

Remember that Robert DeNiro was also in his early 40s when he portrayed a Jake LaMotta in his 20s.

My biggest concern is Joe Pesci as Quack Quack. It just can't be.

"It was between the brothers Kay -- I had nothing to do with it."