Originally Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

I'm sure you've heard about Pima County AZ wanting to secede and become it's own state of Baja Arizona? uhwhat Apparently it is a liberal area surrounded by Conservatism.


Baja Arizona? Really? That's the best they could cook up? Sounds like a lousy taco shop.

Originally Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Oh, and did you hear about the freshmen republicans who are asking the Dems to let bygones be bygones and not bring up the fact that all the Reps voted to fix (end) medicare? Yea right, that's gonna happen. lol

We should be encouraging their attempts to Obamacare Medicare. I mean their leading '12 candidate is the father of RomneyCare. We're all behind HC Reform. wink

Originally Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

It's a strange strange time we live in.


Yeah no kidding.

Newt officially threw his hat into the ring today. A real blast from the past who seriously could equally match-up with Bubba Clinton in the Slimeball Marathon.