Opps! A blast gaffe from the past that'll bite him in the primary ass.

Pawlenty (2006): "The Era of Small Government is Over"


EDIT - What he actually said in context:

The article is all about Pawlenty’s efforts as governor to take on drug and oil companies and other practitioners of “excessive corporate power.” It includes his boast that many ideological Republicans “don’t even talk to me anymore” because of his support for things such as the minimum wage.

“The era of small government is over,” Pawlenty told the newspaper. “I’m a market person, but there are certain circumstances where you’ve got to have government put up the guardrails or bust up entrenched interests before they become too powerful. . . . Government has to be more proactive, more aggressive.”

The newspaper did issue a “clarification,” but only to say that Pawlenty’s quote about small government was “in reference to a point” made by the conservative writer David Brooks — one that Pawlenty, from his other comments, obviously agreed with.

How...sane. And he's running away from that, disowning it on Limbaugh's show?

Jesus Christ.

Last edited by ronnierocketAGO; 05/25/11 02:53 PM.