I personally think whether its Mazzone,Ciancaglini,or Staino at the top they will be ok.Has long has you keep Borgesi and Angelina out of the hiearchy things should when its all said and done run smooth.I think Merlino should stay in Florida because he brings too much heat to the table.You talk about a teflon don,Lancelotti must never talk or something,his only scrape with the law that I know of is when he punched that guy in the face right in front of a cop at Chickie and Pete's years ago,something about a women.Well Staino has a nice 2500 sq. ft.spread in woolwich twp.nj that he can roam around in.Uncle Joe should make a deal[plea bargain maybe get 3-5 yrs.out in 2 and a half] do his time and retire.