Lilo - I haven't been listening to TV or radio news for several hours. This new development seems to put another nail (perhaps the final one) in Anthony Weiner's political coffin. A damn shame. He had a real future ahead of him, possibly as NYC's next mayor. He was very popular with his constituents.
Was the photo from a private Tweet? How did Breitbart come by the picture? I'm curious about all these new developments.
And I
really feel bad for Weiner's wife.

Signor V.
It's not entirely clear, Signor V. exactly how Breitbart got this info. I haven't followed it in close enough detail. I presume the photo was (presumably) private but was then sent on
to others. In an article that I read on Huffington there was some information that Weiner had previously had flame wars/harsh words with conservatives and/or Breitbart supporters on both Facebook and Twitter. So he knew they were paying attention to him.
So why he would go ahead and do things so stupid is beyond me. I believe, in part as was stated upthread, that Weiner didn't get enough of what keeps a man happy when he was younger and thus was open to temptation. He's only been married for a short period of time.
It takes two to tango of course. Remember back in the day that Nina Burleigh, a feminist author and political analyst said she would proudly give President Clinton oral sex for keeping abortion legal. Fame and status have their perks evidently and Weiner wanted them.
The more I think about this though the more I think that it may be possible that at least some of the women Weiner was interacting with may well have been Breitbart plants. Either way though, it was Weiner who made the disastrous decisions to have discussions like
this via facebook with a woman who clams she was
infatuated with him.
Everybody is human and presumably most people like sex. But you don't write things like that when you're a Congressman and especially not to a woman not your wife. It's just not done.
Although initially I didn't think he would/should resign I don't see how he survives this. If I were a voter in his district I would break out laughing everytime I saw him.