Great points, TB.

I don't think Roth had any interest in running the Corleone Family, either personally or through proxies. He just wanted to stop the attacks on his properties.

I've often wondered what his endgame was regarding Fredo - what he intended to give him after the hit and whether he felt that the underbosses would ever accept him in a prominent role. As TB shows, it didn't really matter - Roth would benefit either way.

Other than Roth, I wonder what other criminal entities threatened the Corleones in that era. Was anyone else in a position to benefit from chaos in the Corleone Family. If not, things would be perfect for Roth.

If so, the chaos caused by the Corleone succession might have been dangerous for Roth, either because a Family outside his influence may have prospered or the outside muscle he relied upon might have been too preoccupied by the war to protect Roth's interests.

"A man in my position cannot afford to be made to look ridiculous!"