Sorry for that un-Yankee like rant, SB. Frustration at not having the Jeet in the lineup. I like the Marcello plan, but I'd have to add a seafood appetizer; some kind of calamari thing. I'm glad you have forgiven me. ... and of course Limoncello apertif.

Irish...I'm former Hudson Valley, down valley; grew up in Pearl River, got married and moved to Suffern. Moved to South Jersey 4 years ago (Philly country). AND I CAN'T GET THE YES CHANNEL! Well, I can get it, but they black out most of the games. BASTIDs. I know Montgomery. I played softball in Newburgh many years ago. The Airport Diner was our sponsor.

Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, whoever humbles himself will be exalted - Matthew 23:12