
I didn't have HBO until the 2nd or third (?) season. I had watched the first/second on video and immediately got HBO to continue watching. I was hooked.

Well, it was on at 9:00 p.m. EST but the West Coast HBO it was three hours later. I hated that I couldn't chime in and would check the board (without really reading the posts cause I didn't want to get any spoilers). I wanted to see how busy it was and it was always hopping. LOL HOWEVER, after doing that for I don't know how many weeks, I realized I had several HBO's that included the East Coast HBO which came on at 6:00 p.m. my time. Duh!!!! tongue I was so glad.

Maybe it's time for at least a Soprano's movie hu????? Call me sentimental, but I miss the ol gang of mafioso. lol


"Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind. War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today." JFK

"War is over, if you want it" - John Lennon