Originally Posted By: jvanley
Originally Posted By: ONTARIO613
Mathieu Bevelaqua says shit its that zip Furio who was pounding at the door in season 2 . is this ignorant writers who never checked the true meaning of zip which is sicilian and thus applied it in ignorance to all italian born mafiosi in america not just to its true meaning of sicilian. Or is it purposely implanted by the writers to show the bevelaqua`s characters fumbling ignorance to proper lcn terminology?

See this is the problem I have with the Sopranos, first off let me say it is my favorite show, ever.

Secondly, dont tie your dick in a knot Ontario, this is not directed at you.

Lastly, The Sopranos was FICTIONAL. We as wiseguy nuts look way to frickin deep into this show for FACTUAL meaning, its just not there.

I know it was very loosely based on some real life wiseguys but its fictional, period. We would all enjoy it 100 times more if we would take it at face value. I am guilty to, trust me. But to question if Furio is a "zip" or a "Neopolitan" is looking way to deep into this show man. Look its a show based off the Mafia and in the Mafia they call guys from Sicily Zips, period.

Like I said I am guilty of it to, I have often critisized the show because they had Tony who was the sitting boss whack out two of his capos with his bare hands (ralphie and christopher). Would that happen in real life? FUCK NO. But it made for two of the most dramatic episodes in the shows history IF YOU TAKE IT AT FACE VALUE..........I.E FICTIONAL.

thanks jvanely for taking my post from 7/01 and totally rewording it.....you cease to amaze me

I hate Dicknoses!!!!!!