Thanks Lilo. I missed your review but it's pretty accurate IMHO.
On another note:
I am a huge Bourne fan. I saw the first film on tv and was immediately addicted. I found myself totally wrapped up in it. I saw the other two films and must say, I love them all.
Now, there is going to be a fourth (kind of), The Bourne Legacy, BUT without Matt Damon and according to this article the character of Jason Bourne won't even be in this installment. I'm guessing it's because Matt Damon didn't want to make another Bourne film without the original director.
As the author of the article says I don’t see myself being enthusiastic about a movie that doesn’t feature what should be its main character. I agree with even the description the tv cable guide has on this Bourne series (roughly), You know those movies where there is only one person to play a character? In my view, there is only one Jason Bourne and that is Matt Damon.
IF I see this movie it likely will be on HBO or regular tv as opposed to going to the theater to see, which is what I would do if Matt Damon had the lead.
Last edited by The Italian Stallionette; 08/02/1102:13 PM.
"Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind. War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today." JFK