You like them big boned Don Cardi?
I didn't pick Ginnie based soley on her looks Nicky....although I figured that some here would see it that way.

I picked her for other reasons:
All joking aside, and looks aside, I picked Ginnie Sac because I feel that she is the perfect mob wife. She accepts what her husband does for a living, never questions it, and stays loyal to him until the very end. She is content with the life and does not make waves. To me, when I opened this topic and read it, I thought that the question was being asked to pick the perfect mob wife based on the criteria to be a mob wife and not based on looks.
Carmela was a pain in the ass wife who was in it for what she could get. She was the great manipulator and used her leverage to take whatever she could from Tony while putting on this facade that she was a good catholic woman who did not like the fruits of Tony's labor.
Ade was another one who loved the fringe benefits of being with mobbed up Christopher...but when push came to shove...she flipped and was tricked into ratting everyone out.
Ginnie Sac was a perfect mob wife in that she was not a manipulative hypocrite who tried to get whatever she could from her mobster husband, didn't pretend to be someone else, unconditionally loved her husband, and as I said stood loyal to him until the very end.
Johnny saw these attributes in Ginnie and therefore had an unconditional love for her also.
Now if you could take Ginnie's heart and soul and place it in Ade's body, then that would really be the perfect mob wife!