I'd write to Scarfo and thank him for ruining a LCN Family that ran quietly for 20 + years before his weasel a$$ got the throne. I'd also ask him what kind of hair gel he used and tell him how much I admired his tacky suits and high pitched voice.

I heard scarfo got pinned down when he was in jail and people urinated all over him

Originally Posted By: BarrettM
I don't really see the problem as far as his fanboyism goes. If that's how the guy gets his kicks, so be it. It's just a reminder that the gangsters who deserve to be serving life are still serving it. However, I can safely say I would never write a letter to Nicodemo Scarfo for fear of accidentally upsetting him and being found dead and hogtied. The Scarfo combo.

Random Poster:"I'm sorry I didn't go to an Ivy-league school like you"

"Ah I actually I didn't. It's a nickname the feds gave the
Genovese Family."