Well it would be hard for people like us to say what the "rules" are outside of the stuff weve all read in books, etc.

If you want to keep your ass alive there really is one rule or thing to do. Earn, plain and simple. It seems that most of the time, you earn, you live.

There are countless wiseguys who have been murdered 15 years after they did something to get whacked. They were kept alive until they stopped earning basically.

FatGirl:Your cute
FatGirl:So you wanna buy me a drink?
FatGirl:Why not?
Me:Well Its tricky pumpkin,If I buy u a drink, every fat girl in here would think I liked fat girls & ask me to buy them a drink also. See ,I dont like fat girls unless im wasted and given Im only one drink deep so far, so you better buy me the drink honey, cause this 20 bucks aint covering the booze and drive thru ill need to take you home tonight

08/13/2009-jvanley Spanky Bar, 3rd stool from the left