Originally Posted By: olivant
I do have a concern that LN used some of his scarce funds to buy an optional item - a gun. Unless there is some urgent need which has not so far been stated, I think it should have been the last thing on his purchase list. Maybe it was.

We have tons of food, shelter, water, electricity, and everything else we need, so what need did I sacrifice? What Great Important Thing? I saved up a lot of money bit by bit to buy something that should last a very very long time while not losing value.

Originally Posted By: fathersson

Maybe all three of the posters where wrong in their feeling towards the gun purchase.....and maybe some are afraid of you to now comment further....

I'm not sure if that was supposed to be towards me or if SB recently bought a gun, but that sounds pretty silly either way.

Originally Posted By: fathersson

Sounds llike your family is doing a great job trying to save on things. I know it can't be easy with things going up each and every day.

Of course we all know what the the current job market is, we are in it! Why is it that people who are out of work think that no one else knows any thing about the work place? or that we can't understand what it is like not to have a job? Or that we don't know how hard it is to find a job? Only three a week?, send out as many as there are job openings if you must. Read on ....

Welcome to the new world market. Jobs are fewer and fewer as things go overseas. Pay scare is going down and benifits are being cut right and left. Some companies started doing this years ago, others are just staring to do it , but one thing is for sure, it isn't going to change any time soon. As we have so few jobs around. And yes those jobs will go to people who are the best in their field. So were does it leave others? At the bottom of the pile...LOOKING!

Your right, it sure can be tuff to go thru all that without getting something. When you factor in the people who are leaving their fields because the job market sucks, and are jumping into a new or other job markets to find work makes it even more crowded, then it becomes even harder.

But you can give every excuse in the world why you are sitting home and collecting a check. In fact that is what the check is for. PEOPLE who are not working. AND belive me, I am not knocking you for not having a job. Not that I like the guy who makes ever excuse why he doesn't have a job when we all know he just doesn't want to work. Lets face it....we all know these types, right?

But let's be trueful here. I for one think that you may have come across as one who made a poor choice in some way. You are getting a check for the system, while you wife is working hard to bring the money you need to live. Saving all you can ....and you think it was a wize thing to go out and buy a gun so you have something to shot pop cans with?

You spent a long time talking about this new toy....when maybe you should have saved that money in case something comes up, like an auto repair or an unseen bill that may happen at the worst time. Fixing the car that helps you get to work would be way more important if it happen to break then having a new play thing.

Even if the funds went to buy something like extra food or a movie rental would make more sense then that. Something to pamper the working lady would have been more special to her? How in the world did the wife not bitch?

Well I have to go do some work, If I get the chance I will post some ideas that may help you land a job.....

That's an awful lot of words to use to say nothing.

You don't just get unemployment for any reason, you have to have been laid off or fired through no fault of your own to qualify.

On a slightly different note, why isn't being a stay at home parent considered working?

Long as I remember The rain been coming down.
Clouds of Mystery pouring Confusion on the ground.
Good men through the ages, Trying to find the sun;
And I wonder, Still I wonder, Who'll stop the rain.