It isn't Pacino which worries me about this film. Pacino can nail any role he wants.
Damn straight Sonny. Well put.
instead of travolta how about harvey keitel being gotti, and lindsay lohan was playing a role which is kind of stupid to have her in this stay with disney.
A few other guys have stated that Lohan may actually be able to pull it off, since her more serious work in things like RFK biopic Bobby. Still...I also believe its sounding dubious. In any case, seeing her titties in Machete was pretty sweet. Another gratuitous nude scene or two in this film way well make it worth the price of admission

Thinking more about it though, despite some well known flops and misfires, when he pulls it off Travolta can be alright. And having recently rewatched "Alpha Dog", I have to say Im actually pretty keen to see how Ben Foster is going to try and portray Gotti the younger.
In all likelihood, shitty reviews or not, Ill be seeing it. Like most of us, I think.