Originally Posted By: Mickey_MeatBalls_DeMonica
Originally Posted By: Cappuccino
Here we go again internet schmucks talking shit about a guy.

Ive seen this a lot on here and its pathetic. You wouldnt say shit to the mans face but here you are behind a monitor running your mouth.

He did his time like a man and thats that.

Now unless youve got cold hard facts like Ivy (Ivys either obssesed with gangsters or hes with the FBI) you should keep your mouth shut.

The fact that he's a grown man who has chosen willingly to re-enter the public sphere, portray himself the way he does and then do everything and anything he can to stay in the B-Grade limelight? Well that gives me every justification for critique and criticism of his work and affectations.

He's not showing any sense of contrition for his crimes, and rather then move on he's intent on flogging his two-bit wiseguy routine to ANYBODY WHO WILL LISTEN! He's not even trying to concentrate on his (b-grade) film work! To me, he's on the same level as Goodfella Henry, trying to parlay his one time connections into some sort of celebrity career.

See its not about the guy personally. I bet he's real good to his mother, wife and kids. I bet he helps old ladies across busy streets.
But what I do know him through, besides his often repeated criminal pedigree, is his film and television work. Which is terrible. See, he had some potential as a film-maker. Sure it'd been done before, but on paper his baby "Friends Of Ours" had all the ingredients for a fine mob flick. But it just wasn't pulled off. Still, I could respect it if he kept trying to make a real go of it, but all he seems capable off is acting tough for housewives, recounting his criminal history on late night cable and rehashing tired old "gangster" cliches.

And I would totally say that to his face. Id probably also ask him what it was like working with Jimmy Caan and Frank Vincent, and how the hell he dropped the ball on that one. Id probably have to buy the coffee though.
couldnt have said it better myself...once u go on a kind of reality show your automatically give people the god given right to shit all over you

I hate Dicknoses!!!!!!