There is no way in hell that any candidate who tries (or even implies)to eliminate Social Security will EVER be President. If Perry wins the nomination, he just made the Dems political ads for them. Perry didn't back down so I doubt he'll backtrack. I would guess the Dems would be hoping he'll be the winner.
I did watch the whole debate and it was actually between Romney and Perry (as the media was hoping for). Huntsman, although he'll be dropping out soon IMHO, did better in this debate than the first. Bachman is on her way out with her brief climb to the top done. Cain, Gingrich weren't impressive and Poor Ron Paul.

I really think he's more popular than the media gives him credit for. I know he has a devoted loyal base. He seems never be taken seriously.
IF we had to have a President only from those that debated last night, and I HAD to choose (or die)

As much as I am not a fan of his, I'd have to go with Romney. That being said, and trying to be fair, I'd want to hear Huntsman more, but I do think he's done as well.