Originally Posted By: Palomita20

I love the response from the audience when he talks about breaking the guy's thumb. The man is straightforward without shame or fear of prosection, comedy gold. grin

CAppuchino, first backing Henry Hill and now this guy. Me thinks you are 0 for 2. No real mobster would come on Kimmel and talk about his misdeeds. Still love how he frightens the yuppies in the audience, brings joy to my heart.

Like i give a fuck what you guys think. You guys are pathetic you cant even type proper english. Me thinks you are 0 for 2 hahaha. Did you guys pass 5th grade or what? Dicknose im talkin to you to. Learn english before you talk to me or shut your fuckin mouths.

So what if he was on TV and acting a little goofy he was promoting his movie and telling people why he was going to jail.

Mickey i gaurantee you you wouldnt say shit to his face.

Danny did a lot in his day he probably made more money in a month than you guys do in fuckin 3 or 4 years and here you are talkin shit about him on the INTERNET fuckin pathetic. I see people on here talkin shit about a lot of fellas you should keep your fuckin mouths shut and show some respect.

Last edited by Cappuccino; 09/08/11 03:56 PM.