They talk about this show a lot on the morning radio show and Sheen himself has called in from time to time. According to them, Charlie dies when his car goes over a cliff (actually that's really happened here in CA, I believe two times. Once his car was stolen and they found it down a cliff. Don't know about the second time). They also said that former girlfriends (Jenny McCarthy for one) will show up for his funeral. Kutcher will be some kind of wealthy internet mogul or something, getting over a break-up and will buy Charlie's house. I assume Alan and his son will stay in the house.
Speaking of Sheen, this morning they talked about the Roast of Sheen which was filmed yesterday I think, and will be aired next week (same day as show I believe). According to what the radio reported, and Sheen himself said earlier, nothing is off limits in this Roast. They said jokes were in poor taste regarding domestic violence and other touchy subjects.
They "said" that Sheen ended up feeling bad and a little upset.
"Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind. War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today." JFK