Originally Posted By: LuanKuci
In Philly only: Casasanto - Turchi - Martorano - Maniscalco all in the past 7 years.

Plus there was the Bruno hit in Springfield, MA.

The only mob hit in philly in the last 7 years is maybe Maniscalco. But its been said that it may not have been a mob related hit. The other 3 occurred in 99, 02 and 03 I believe. I kind of agree with the posters point. I just think there are more guys playing on the fact that they could hurt/murder you or use to hurt people and use that to try to scare guys now. That's why I think you see a lot more independents and even rats these days just living out in the open almost. Ive been saying how people just aren't scared of the mob like they use to... in philly at least.