If I was Vito and I had his money,I'd try and get revenge.No way I'd run after my son,father and best friend were all clipped.But I wouldn't get involved with the mob again.The reason the Rizzutos are getting destroyed is because they lack muscle.They ran one of the biggest drug operations in the world without any muscle,someone caught on to that fact and started clipping them.I mean look at the Mexicans,and the kind of muscle they have,the kind of money they're spending on enforcement.

The Rizzutos suposedly made billions.I'd use some of that money to hire real muscle,ex-special forces:SAS,Navy SEALs or something.With a few million you could hire quite a few of them,tool them up and have them go to town on whoever you want.

Last edited by Tyler_Durden; 09/18/11 04:41 PM.