
Comrades, you can only imagine my dismay when I first viewed "Anton's Ruminations." No, not the "Jesus Christ" content, but the blatant and unoriginal co-opting of my trademarked tag.

Three things might have happened:

1. Anton idolizes me (get in line, pal, *asshole winks*...no, the REAL asshole, the brown eye, *wink wink*) and wanted to pay tribute.

2. Anton thought of something very quickly and with a blank mind used the word "ruminations."

3. Anton has no vocabulary or creativity beyond what I allow him. (Again, get in line, pal. My daily divvying of creative energy is about to begin.)

What to make of all this? I'm sorry, Anton, but you need to be destroyed now. And don't be fooled...I have no problem destroying children, especially those from another hemisphere.