Wow Uz...what a compassionate thread. Thank-you.

By the way, I use "ruminations" semi-seriously. You see, I do mean it seriously, because my "ruminations" are serious, but I also use it as a sort of...tribute to all of Uz's wonderful ruminations. Nothing big...but if you don't like me using it I'll stop.

I don't so much idolize you as...I am interested in you. I mean that in a totally legitimate way...I think you're an intriguing human being. Vocabulary and creativity? Aaah, once again I go back to the "ruminations" section. I'll use something else in the future. Thanks Uz...

Successor? I like Uztopoke, I do indeed, but we are different. I want to be nobodies successor and just be me.

Guineapig? Am I not intriguing? I suppose not.

Thanks Uz, sorry if it's a bother to you...


Only after the last tree has been cut down
Only after the last river has been poisioned
Only after the last fish has been caught

Then you will find that money cannot be eaten.