Originally posted by Anton The Penguin:
Guineapig? Am I not intriguing? I suppose not.
Thanks Uz, sorry if it's a bother to you...
Oh God Anton you know how to tug on the ole bleeding heart strings. There IS NOT the patent on word rumination, use it all the hell you damn please.

What else was everyone doing at 13? Most likely still playing with their tinker toys much less be able to SPELL rumination. I bet a few of you adults even had to look the word UP. Don't lie, I know some of you did.

Poke, ye ole curmudgeonly wanker ... pick on someone your own size. Or have your battle of the wits over something better than a word. No one is skeered of you, specially not me.

"Patriotism is supporting your country all the time and your government when it deserves it"