KC is interesting! John Lazia especially, and they were the closest thing the mafia had to regular bank robbers.

Yes and no, Luan. They shared in the Las Vegas casino skimming just like Milwaukee and I'm sure they were extra generous. Under Accardo they deferred to the outfit. But these days, I highly doubt John DiFronzo cares. I would imagine he try to distance himself from outside mafia activity and stick to making his organization more legitimate by the day. That's just the way to drag yourself back in. Furthermore, thanks to general attrition they don't have the kind of authority to try that out. And you'd be collecting from an organization which at the time had no one on the street, halfway across the country. Earlier than DiFronzo...I doubt Sam Carlisi cared. He's in an interesting position because he's traveled all over the country as a courier, I'm sure he met with KC guys, but he and Marcello and all the other Cicero guys were mostly just interested in local money and firebombing the hell out of places.

EDIT: Just found this on wiki. Only the NY articles are generally reliable, but it might mean something.

With Civella's conviction in 1983, Cammisano became the new leader of the Kansas City organization. Because of the unfavorable publicity of recent criminal trials, the Chicago Outfit officially disowned Kansas City as an affiliate. This gave Cammisano the opportunity to establish new operations in California, Florida and Washington, D.C without Outfit approval or interference. This expansion reinvigorated the Kansas city organization.