Two interesting wrinkles in a long-running murder case here:
Stockbroker accused of bludgeoning his ex-wife to death to escape alimony payments has been in jail for more than three years. First trial ended in mistrial when the judge collapsed with a brain tumor, and later died. The new wrinkles:
First, the guy's been held in solitary in the county jail for over a year because of some dustup with another prisoner. His lawyers petitioned the court to let him into general population, claiming he's going nuts. Sheriff countered that he and he alone has jurisdiction over the county jail. Court backed him up. Jeez, didn't they ever hear of the Eighth Amendment?
Second, a new trial is scheduled for next February. The judge overseeing the proceedings has ordered both sides to hold a conference on a plea bargain--even though both sides have repeatedly said they don't want any plea-bargains.