Amazed most of you disregard Capone. At his height no one was even close in power and wealth. At one time he walked into a police station and said does anyone in here want to arrest me for anything. This is when his war was at its height. Nobody wanted to mess with him. He had police, judges, politians and newspaper on his payroll. It was hard to find any one who would say something bad about him or try to arrest him.
There are to many NY 5 family lovers in here. Yes the 5 families are strong. Yes they have had some great and powerful bosses. There has always been power struggles within those families. You never had that within Capone family
I certainly agree that Capone in his prime was one of if not the most powerful boss but he certainly had rivals. George "bugs" Moran was at war with Capone. Why is an internal struggle any worse than a struggle with a foreign faction? How many foreign factions have openly tried to go to war with any one of the 5 families?