There's rumours the movie might not be happening after all. If they cant meet their finacila obligations in time...
I posted something to that effect a few months ago, Mick. My gut feeling has been that the movie
won't happen. I think the photo-ops with Junior and Travolta were all publicity stunts to try to draw in investors, and I just don't think they're likely to get serious financial backing with the cast they've assembled (Pacino aside, of course

). If this film
ever happens, I wouldn't be surprised if it's staight to dvd with an entirely different cast. I read this little piece in yesterday's NY Post, which only reaffirms my position.
Nix Flick Joseph Barracato, NY Post
Lindsay Lohan thought she had an Italian job to tap into to pay off her many legal bills, but that paycheck may never materialize.
Lohan is to portray Kim Gotti -- John Gotti, Jr.’s wife -- in the much-flapped-about gangster flick, “Gotti: In the Shadow of My Father.”
Well, maybe not.
The film, which is slated to star John Travolta and Al Pacino, may not see the light of day, according to two Tinseltown sources.
Countless financial hurdles have already forced production to be delayed three times, and now the flick is on life support.
“It’s pretty hard to get actors to agree to start shooting without a contract,” laughed OTM’s insider. “No money translates into no film. This film has no prayer of getting off the ground.”