This isn't a NY sighting, but years ago when they were still married Jack Cassidy and Shirley Jones did a cabaret act at an arena in Maryland. They were not very popular, to say the least. Maybe 1000 people there tops. Their show isn't catered towards kids but I really liked them, so my 2 sisters took me. Mind you Jack Cassidy's been dead many years, I couldn't have been more then 10. They were into their act when as a stint Shirley did something to Jack that I just cracked up laughing, nearly rolling on the floors. Well, as maybe only 1 of 2 kids in the whole show this was something that caught their attention. After the show most people went to the dressing rooms to try to get a glimpse of the couple. Me and my 2 sisters are walking across the parking lot, when this stretch limo pulls up beside us, rolls down the window and it's Shirley and Jack. Jack said thanks for being a fan and they were tickled pink at my "outburst". Then autographed our programs. I was giddy all the way home. I lived Jack since the Phantom of the Opera. I cried like a baby when he died.

How about a little less questions and a lot more shut the hell up - Brian Griffin

When there's a will...put me in it.