Originally Posted By: Frank
anyone remember if sonny and his crew have the italian-american accent in the film?

No. I can't recall one character speaking even broken English.

To be fair, I think that was pretty accurate. By the 1960s (when the film was set), the younger guys in that neighborhood were mostly second, even third generation Americans. I was born in '59, and lived on Hoffman Street & 187th Street for the first half of my life. And while there were plenty of Italian born residents who spoke poor English, most of the guys from Sonny's generation would have been born here.

The movie was set in 1968 (for the most part). I'm assuming Sonny was about 40 at the time. That would put his birth year in the mid to late '20s, after the last big wave of Italian immigrants (the immigration laws changed around 1920, making it harder for Italians to come here). Now there are exceptions. Both sides of my family came here after 1920, but my best guess is that Sonny would have been born here.

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