This GOP field is really quite amusing. I heard just this morning that Cain is STILL in the lead. Who would have thought?

Btw, DT, I don't understand your comment here. Can you elaborate and has this been done before and when can it be done?
brokered convention that nominates by acclimation a "reluctant" Jeb Bush who can then pick a midwestern moderate as veep, and be VERY formidable. .
TIS it was only in the past 50 years that the primary system took root. In the old days the political bosses would gather and agree on the nominee. There used to be all kinds of horse 1924 the Democrats had more than one hundred ballots before they selected a nobody to run against Coolidge. Basically the way it works now is the delegates are pledged to vote for whmever won their primaries or state nominations ON THE FIRST BALLOT ONLY once that is done, if no one gets a majority, then it is wide open and virtualy anyone can be nominated.
I can't imagine that happening but the field does really suck. I wonder IF they have that in back of their minds. If I understand it correctly, it does seems too "out there" to out of the blue throw another name in the mix.

I never thought about Jindal as a possibility but yes, I heard he won by a large margin. I do remember his speech after one of the President's Sate of the Union I think.
For a while the Rs were predicting that Rubio was their golden boy and a big consideration of VP, but with his recent gaffs on his parents and when/how they came to American from Cuba, he may be a long shot.