Originally Posted By: Lilo
The latest allegations against Cain are really more akin to assault than harassment. It's hard to believe that someone wouldn't have reported stuff like that at the time it happened.

On the other hand the fact that the accuser is willing to go public gives more credibility than anonymous whispers from the shadows.

I'm surprised our own pizzaboy hasn't hyperventilated at seeing the madam ambulance chaser herself Gloria Allred up on that stage. You only hire her (or more like she hires herself to your cause) if good money and publicity is involved.

Of course that's besides the point in something like the Cain scandal. It's not so much incidental as much as reading the pattern that emerges. Said woman above who went in front of the cameras the other day may or may not be have been groped/assaulted by Mr. Cain. It's he said/she said, who knows?

But then you compound that with the four other accusers? There's a fire.

Of course a recent poll found that 70% of GOP primary voters claim that the Cain scandal has no impact on their vote. They don't give a crap. Which must explain why Cain hasn't lost his poll mojo so far.