I guess Perry was on Letterman last night and did the top ten list. And Cain, well he continues on his merry way still coming in second (in some polls I hear First) place. All I can say is it would totally suck to be a Republican right now (no offense).

Cain should send a case of champagne to JoePa for taking him off the news this week.
Oh and race baiting time!
Cain is "Real Black," Obama is "Phoney Black"http://newsone.com/nation/casey-gane-mcc...is-phony-black/ Victor Hanson is actually a relatively decent classical historian. But as a political scientist or sociologist he's an abject failure. He has no ability to speak on what is "genuinely black". So many conservatives go there and seemingly have no interest or concern as to how truly offensive that is.
Quiet as its kept since about 1992, the Jewish vote has broken close to 80% Democratic in every Presidential election-even before that with a few exceptions it was usually at least 60-80% Democratic. But can we imagine Republicans telling Jewish voters that they need to get off the "Democratic Death Camps" or that this person or that person is "inauthentically Jewish" ? To ask the question is to answer it.
A black conservative who actually knows Cain has a very good piece about why modern conservatives stay losing among black voters. You can read it
here. And it doesn't have ANYTHING to do with southern cadences or darker complexions. How moronic.