I received Andre Cedilot & Andre Noel's "Mafia Inc" today in the mail, grabbed it from Amazon for like $24 total. Great looking book, I really like the cover, size, pages, decent photo section etc...
When this came out I was worried the English version was going to take forever to come out, thankfully it came out very soon after the French version. Look forward to reading it!
I also picked up a relatively new book (March 1st 2011) by William Ouseley & Monroe Dodd called "Mobsters In Our Midst" which is about the Kansas City Family. Apparently William Ouseley was a FBI agent for 25 plus years who spent his time on the KC family. Anyone read it yet? They only have a paperback version right now which blows but whatever.
$24?! Awesome. I've had my eyes on that book for a while now. I know exactly what you mean, it felt like the english version was never going to be released. By all accounts, this book details a huge amount of information on Canada and its mafia dynamics, and go's a fair way towards illuminating much of the intrigue and developments over the last few decades. Let me know how you go and what you think, Id be interested to hear Mooney.
FWIW, certain guys have rated it and 'Mafia Export' as two of the best works on the subject in many years.
As far as 'Mobsters In Our Midst', its been well reccomended by KC guys like joey dice and others. Looks great. Again, let us know what you think when you're done!
Ive used up my birthday and christmas presents from the missus with the Song of Ice and Fire series by Martin. Since were saving for a house now, as well as various other baby related stuff, I cant just go out and drop dollars on newly released books like I used to.

Have the squirt, do the work I guess.