In 1957, there was a conference in Palermo between the shot callers from the American LCN and Sicilian LCN. The two major topics on the table were:
(i) establishing a Sicilian Commission modelled after the one in the States
(ii) establshing a sophisticated heorin network from Europe to America
The fact that Joe Bonanno was an attendent in this meeting and that his Family became heavily involved in the drug business afterward suggested he was at least tolerating drug dealing, let alone endorsing it. No matter how much he denied this with his fantasy writing of himself and the mob by linking himself to the character of Vito Corleone from the Godfather in his "novel", personally I feel he had a major hand in setting up the network and flooding America with drugs.
I admit most of my knowledge comes from the web and we all know how "reliable" they can be.