Michael Medved argues that McCain lost among other things, not because self-described conservatives stayed home, but because Republicans lost among independents and Hispanics.
http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052970204224604577030482569015376.htmlThis is of course the classic question of whether it is better to put forth someone unblemished with compromise who loudly and unashamedly brays forth the party line or whether a party should nominate someone who compromises here and there but can attract independents and win.
To sum up Medved's argument.. "
The Conservative Family ain't even got that kind of muscle no more!!!"

Even if every conservative registered and voted for the most conservative candidate that won't be enough to win. Because not everyone thinks like they do. To have a chance at winning in the general election, the Republican candidate must be able to (dishonestly in my view of course

) sell palatable conservative ideas to independents.
This is MUCH easier to do if unemployment rate is still at current levels next year but it's much more difficult to do if the eventual nominee is locked into Tea Party talking points.