So you think that Montreal answers to Hamilton now?

No I dont think Montreal answers to Hamilton, but I do think the Hamilton families are now working much closer with Montreal, and possibly the Toronto families and the D'Amicos are as well. And maybe they have more of a voice in Montreal now.

Right now, it appears everything is uncertain with this war that is going on though. Who knows who answers to who right now.

Why would they need approval from Hamilton otherwise? If anyone would have wanted Nick to be killed it were the Hamilton guys. I would imagine it would rather be the other way around; approval from New York.

Everything I have read suggests approval came from Hamilton. Maybe I should've worded it differently. Perhaps it would be more accurate to say that the order came from Hamilton, but thats the way its been worded ins some articles I have read. such as these 2 for example: http://tvanouvelles.ca/lcn/infos/national/archives/2011/01/20110107-044313.html


Local law enforcement seem to believe in the Hamilton theory. And they knew old Nick was going to be killed and warned him it was going to happen. I would think they have some pretty solid information if they knew of the contract well before the hit took place. If they knew of the contract, they must have some idea who was behind it. Of course I could be wrong, but I seriously doubt that Hamilton sought approval from the Bonannos.

Last edited by Mick2010; 11/24/11 08:44 PM.