Interesting talk about the Outfit. Does anyone have any sense of the age of their members? ARe they on the older end of the spectrum or younger? It seems that older members - in general, mind you not in all cases - tend to have more respect for tradition and the younger generation is looking for the quick way to achieve their goals. Maybe this has something to do with the OUtfit being off the radar?
The age of Outfit members mirrors those in other families. Most of them are older.
And, though I may sound like a broken record, I don't buy that "Outfit being off the radar" argument. The Genovese family is said to be the smartest and most low key family over all and they have had tons of busts in recent years despite that.
The Outfit has been said to be very low key too but the lack of cases, by comparison, is due more to them being much smaller and less active than a lot of people assume. It's seems there will always be some who insist on believing that the mob guys in Chicago (as well as Detroit) have figured out some trick to avoid law enforcement. Something that has totally escaped the guys in NY (including the Genovese), New Jersey, New England, or Philly.