Wow, they just do NOT like Mitt do they?

The guy hasn't climbed significantly in any poll.
Btw, with news all Newt and all Cain, it seems Romney is staying under the radar doesn't it?
He's under attack, and quite possibly Newt might not flame out as quickly as those other would-be contenders did.
He should be worried that NH, his "home turf," is under severe (surprising) assault and that if indeed in spite of all his money and endorsements, he has peaked (which quite frankly I have no reason to disagree with that assessment)...well, he's not having a good day.
Then here's the hypothetical complication. Does Romney keep his relative "cool" as has been his basic primary plan and assume that Newt sinks Newt? Or does Romney hit back hard and try to destroy him? If the latter option, and if Mittens wins the nomination, all that rhetoric of him going to Newt's right will could hurt him in the fall.
I don't think it helps Mittens that idea his campaign loves to float that he's the most "electable" candidate against Obama is much like the Loch Ness Monster, MRI scans cause tattoos to explode, or that Twinkies can survive a nuclear holocaust.
You know, a myth.