PPP Florida

Newt 47%
Romney 17%
Cain 15%
Paul 5%

PPP Montana

Newt 37%
Paul 12%
Romney 11%
Bachmann 10%
Cain 10%

These two states really exemplify one of the key emerging trends in the Republican race- Gingrich isn't just rising, Romney's also falling. His 17% in Florida is down 13 points from 30% when we polled the state in late September. His 11% in Montana is down 11 points from 22% when we polled the state in June.

In addition to his support for the nomination, Romney's personal popularity is down too. His Florida favorability was +43 (65/22) and it's declined 28 points to +15 (51/36). He's dropped in Montana too although it's a more modest change there from +11 (47/36) to only +5 (44/39).