Bachmann tells Waverly IA crowd that were she president, "we wouldn't have an American embassy in Iran." The US broke ties w Iran in 1980.

A political satirist couldn't write this stuff; not even Carl Hiaasen.
Re what Dont Tomasso just posted: Yes, I'll be the first to admit that Obama is VERY lucky to be up against such a bunch of stiffs. When I was younger, I always thought that voting for "the lesser of two evils" was a crock of shit that older people used to justify their own political agendas, but now I know what they meant. Because even though Obama has been a disappointment to me, he's still better than anyone the GOP can put up against him right now.
And speaking of the GOP: Where are their morals police that outed Clinton's blowjob from that fat chick? By rights, shouldn't they be scrutinizing both Cain and Newt for their sexual exploits?
Can you say double standard?