Originally Posted By: Frosty
Like I said , I don't trust any of them. Change all these idiots !

Yeah no kidding.

You would think the economy would be the #1 issue tonight, and these candidates would tell us the voters (primary & general) how each would solve this lousy economy.

But according to this GOP debate, nope! The most pressing issues? Constitutional amendments banning abortion and gay marriage, defunding the G.I. Bill and the EPA, passing judicial term limits, the all-important 10th Amendment, whether $130 billion is worth spending to deport every illegal immigrant in America, and whether being for the separation of church and state is un-patriotic.

Poor Ron Paul, the only guy with any sort of integrity, bravely fighting these authoratative bullies burning the Constitution in its name, calling out especially those stupid morality-driven amendments. He rightly compared them to the ill-fated Prohibition Amendment.

Funny how for a gang of guys bitching about "big" government, Paul seems to be the only one actually trying to rhetorically fight it. Huntsman was right to avoid this asshole echo chamber.

(Economy? What Economy?)