At this point I really don't know.

To gain some clues you need to consider the following things:
  • Montagna made several trips to Ontario just before the killings took place, thereby strongly indicating that Montagna alligned himself with Ontario mafiosi.
  • Montagna visisted Nick Rizzuto shortly before he was killed and supposedly told Rizzuto that his reign was over.
  • After the killings it was thought that Montagna was part of the new leadership and was seeking to become the new boss.
  • It's stated that Montagna recently tried to muscle in on construction projects in Montreal.
  • Apparantly, in September there was a mob meeting in Montreal during which representatives from Hamilton and Ontario abruptly left that meeting.
  • In October LoPresti was killed and it was thought that he was a supporter of Montagna.
  • It's been stated that Tony Mucci was seen in the neighborhood where Montagna was killed in the weeks leading to the murder.

"It was between the brothers Kay -- I had nothing to do with it."