Intentional or not - pain is pain, and I did not accuse a baby of causing pain, I stated clearly that a baby does cause pain; and not only during labor, either.

Who wouldn't be 'pure' and 'innocent' if they were not able to act? A tree is pure and innocent if one chooses to think along those lines. Not being able to do anything and not being willing to do it are two entirely different things.

Now I am not saying anyone should be harmed for any reason, but what differentiates a baby from a person who has never hurt me? To me, nothing. Humans appreciate not having any competetion and feel safe around babies - because the baby after he has been born [If he has not killed his mother during labor.] can not hurt anyone else as long as he remains in his crib, because he can not yet control his faculties, but does that make him special? Of course it doesn't. He should be killed just the same as a man who has lived and sampled the adversities of life, with no hesitations if need be.

So why are people so sentimental and defensive when it comes to these little organisms?