Originally posted by Saladbar: For the survival of the species we (well some) are genetically hardwired to forgive those which we gave birth to whereas we may not forgive the other Pain In The Asses that cross our lives. As a young man you may never fully understand and appreciate the 1000+ hormones that go into pregnancy, labor and motherhood. Innocence or guilt is not debateable because it does not matter, it will always defy male logic, but not nature's finely tuned mechanism.

Yes, some women are not genetically disposed to motherhood. In olden times Darwin would mandate that she who throws her kid in the preverbial dumpster will not pass on those genes.

The pain of childbirth is excruciating. I will not begin to explain how 36 hours of unmedicated labor feels like. Yet nature dictated that I forgave her the minute they laid the most gorgeous being on the face of the earth on my chest. Despite the dubious beginnings, the months of nausea and the horrendous birth process I always will forgive. I will defend them to the death and let logic be crammed up the ass who gets in my way.
Okay, finally.

It is only logical for a woman or whatever mammal to fight tooth and nail - using everything in her power - her best or worst qualities and any other meidum in between to protect her 'investment.' Sex, blue-balls, etc. depending on circumstance. I do not blame them. I, however would not go as far as to call this nature's finely tuned mechanism, because I know for a fact that after one reaches logic he can employ it to adjust, change or assemble a new order (Humans at least.), though some animals have their instincts but some have the ability to deal with simple abstract situations.

Darwinistic principles and envirnmental science would also dictate that whoever does not do what is necessary to survive will suffer from primary or secondary sucession. Thus, a man who compartmentalizes his feelings and his logicality apart is likely to win over the sentimental one with lofty, inconvenient and unorganized precidents.

Without logic there is nothing but disorder, obviously. Let emotions inundate the heart of the fool and lead him to his death. Feelings have most often gotten in the way and found themselves up their 'owner's' lower end of the alimentary canal.