Originally posted by SC: GP - I figure you don't have any kids of your own, but perhaps you have a younger brother or sister, or perhaps you're an uncle. If so, wouldn't you run into a burning building, without thinking of your own safety, to save one of these kids? If some madman started shooting up the street, wouldn't you block the kid from the bullets with your own body?
I am not an uncle -- yet. I do not want a child with autosomes genetically identical to mine around me at any point.

By asking me those questions I don't believe you will receive the same answers as if you had asked a conventional individual or at least the answers you expect. However if there was a fire and the child had some characteristics which I valued - relative or not - perhaps I would be inclined to run into a burning building to save its life, so that it can piss, shit its diapers and sleep, but I would do so not because I cared for the child but for my own selfish and very personal reasons. Depending on who the child belonged to I might, but because the earthly guardians of the child are emotionally attached to this child hysterically, not because I thought the child deserved it.

Regarding the madman, though I don't value life as much as most do I would probably observe who he wanted to shoot, if he wants to blow away the insolent neighbor's brains all over his crotch after having done whatever to him it's fine by me. If he wanted to kill me or started shooting in my direction, I would attempt to wrest the gun from him and would then do things I would rather not say here because they could result in this thread's accelerated demise.

As I have already explained in an earlier post, the parents hopes and dreams rest in a child because they perhaps were not competent enough to carry them out and have invested time and money into the child. Realistic expectations are rightful. Love is stratified selfishness to a high stature.