Originally posted by Guineapig:
What is the difference between a baby and someone who has never harmed you?

I used to have similar ideologies in my late adolescent stages. I had little respect for alot of things and was very insensitive to alot of situations and people. I'm ashamed to say it but I had little regard for another human life that I didn't know. Even for a house fire a few years ago in my town in which 2 people, including a baby, died. It didn't affect me. I only expressed sympathy to conform to social understanding. At the time I thought it was illogical to have any sypathy for this situation, it didn't have anything to do with me and I regarded it as "something that happens, that's life".

But you get older and you grow out of these shit thoughts you start to BEGIN to learn how the worlds works. You set out to make it on your own with your own life and EVERYONE is entitles to that. Without fear of being killed or their baby killed by some madman who can't find a difference between them and was thinking far too philosophically for his age. Wait till you retire to come up with these, you'll have plenty of time then. But I doubt you'll even have remotely similar thoughts by then.

So die all who betray Giuliano